One Quick Question…
When things slow down throughout the year, what do you consider to be your biggest asset to getting you new clients?
Please share your thoughts below
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Your existing client base is your biggest asset. Referral programs work well when the incentive is good. Offering very good incentives for your existing client, plus the person they are referring, tends to be the most rewarding.
Also, everyone always likes to be recognized on their birthday with a classy, personalized card featuring a ‘birthday gift’ toward their next service or retail product. 🙂
We use to automate our birthday (& referral) cards, saves us a LOT of time & moolah!
We run specials on our services ONLY on slow days. Like get a massage of 1 hr. or more and get 1/2 off facial, etc.
We also try to re-activate our existing clients and give them a friendly call or mail them a hello note, etc
TV for sure. We bump up our budget by a small amount. When we produce our commercials we usually shoot 4 commercials at the time to save production costs. Each commercial features a special service and have a call to action that customers can’t resist. When things get a little slow we just pull out the commerical for the service that is slower. It always pay off.
Customer service
Calling clients that haven’t been in for awhile and giving them a great deal-sometimes if they have product to pick up and they haven’t been in for awhile we’ll give them a nice discount on the product, if they book and prepay for a service. I always mark my product up enough to be able to give a discount. We also send out b-day cards with a 10.00 off a service as well and then we have those clients to call as well.
Our website is our hardest working (and cheapest) recruiter. I work hard to keep it current with specials and promotions. E-mail, text marketing, and social networking come in next to keep us in the consumers’ minds. Referral contests have worked a couple of times, but I think that after a while people get bored, so we are always thinking of new ideas.
I do everything I could not do like update website,marketing tools,train staff on new products and services, have charity events, call old customers,ect